The Most Important Step of SEO - Keyword Research

07/01/2022 11:05 AM by Admin in Search engine marketing

The Most Important Step of SEO - Don't Skip Keyword Research!

keyword research

When you first start out in SEO, keyword research can be difficult and intimidating, but it’s absolutely essential to your success if you want to rank well on Google. While there are other aspects of SEO that also play an important role, keyword research should be the first thing you focus on when creating any kind of content—blog posts, videos, slideshows, or anything else that might appear in search results. Make sure you don’t forget this most important step of SEO!


Why keyword research is important

Knowing which keywords to target is critical to a successful search engine optimization (SEO) campaign. If you don’t know what terms people are searching for, you can’t optimize your site for them. (In fact, missing keywords in your content could be preventing you from ranking on search engines.) Of course, knowing what keywords to target isn’t always easy—but there are a few things that help make keyword research easier: Search engines: Your first stop should be online search engines like Google and Bing. These sites allow you to see how many times certain words or phrases have been searched in recent months or years—and how often they occur next to your company name or a competitor's name.


How keyword research helps with website optimization

It’s not hard to see why keyword research is so important: it directly impacts both your search engine rankings and website performance. When you know what keywords your target audiences are typing into Google and other search engines, you can optimize your page content to match their interests and improve your chances of ranking well in searches related to those terms. The more specific and niche a topic, for example, teacup chihuahua puppies for sale or luxury handbags on eBay, the more targeted traffic you will receive from that search query.


Not all keywords are created equal

keyword research

Search engines look at not only what you type into their search bar, but also how long users view your page and whether they click on it. So while you may think best buy is a great keyword to target, if no one clicks on it after searching or views your page, then all your efforts will be in vain. To prevent that from happening, make sure to do thorough keyword research before choosing keywords to target. For example, say you're a plumber. If a user searched for a plumber in NYC, chances are good he's looking for someone nearby. On the other hand, if that same user searched for the best plumbers, he might be more interested in finding good service across several regions or nationwide—not necessarily from an area in which he lives.


How to choose keywords

Before you start the keyword research, there are a few things you should have in place: You need to know what you’re targeting, who your audience is, and what industry you’re working in. Also, choose one or two keywords that are specific to your business and brand. A broad, generic keyword like watches won’t be useful for your site – but something like best luxury watches under $200 will be. Once you have an idea of what your target keyword is, it's time to get started with research.


Let's say it in the form of a word cloud!

key word search

It's not enough to just get your pages indexed. You want search engine traffic so that you can sell more products and services. The secret to doing that is in keyword research. It's not a big mystery but it is something that many people skip, which may cost them their future customers. In fact, some studies suggest a whopping 90% of people don't do keyword research before they write an online piece! Without good keywords, who will find your stuff? If you're building out a site or adding content you need to take time now to figure out what keywords people are looking for so you can put them on your site in places where they'll be found.


Why we need Low Keywords

When optimizing for search engines, you want to provide information and services that your target audience needs. Think about how people search online. They tend to search for keywords or phrases relevant to their needs instead of specific brand names. By targeting these low-competition, long-tail keywords, you can bring new traffic to your website without paying expensive ad costs. Use keyword research tools like Wordtracker and Google Adwords Keyword Planner when developing content and deciding on a keyword strategy. Remember that using multiple mediums with different formats will give you the best chances for success.


What is Your Cal To Action on keyword research

keyword search

Once you’ve decided on your topic, it’s time to figure out what people are searching for in relation to your subject. Keywords aren’t used in writing web content -- they show up as search terms, used by potential customers who are looking for solutions and answers. As such, they can be powerful signals regarding what kinds of words to use when writing content on a page, as well as providing insights into what might make or break your site's performance in Google's search rankings. A good keyword research tool will help you figure out whether there's a real demand for a particular set of keywords and provide valuable clues about how to create informative, engaging content around them.

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